How to change direction lever in your electric kids tractor? We will show you step by step!

The second lever we gonna change is specifically for the TRACTOR_WORKER

Step 1:Remove the bottom cover of the car

Step 2: Pull out the cable from the the speaker

Step 3: You will see 4 clips (two on each side) of the lever, you have to push them to the side

Step 4: After all 4 clips were loosen you can push down the lever

Step 5: The cables are protected with rubber, loosen the rubber

Step 6: After loosening the rubber use s screwdriver and pull out the cables

Step 7: Grab the new lever and tighten the cables so they will hold

Step 8: Connect all wires back to the same place they were before

Step 9: Push back the new lever on side at the same time

Step 10: to finish the process plug in the speaker and put back the bottom cover part of the car.